By Ray McCarty and Matthew Smith

March 14, 2025 - Here is a quick recap of some of our activities on your behalf this week. NOTE: The Legislature has adjourned for their Spring Break next week. This marks the unofficial halfway point of the 2025 Legislative Session. We are preparing an update on our key issues that we hope to provide next week.
Proposition A - Minimum Wage and Paid Sick/Domestic Violence Leave Revisions (AIM supports)
By now you know Associated Industries of Missouri has joined other business groups in supporting bills aimed at reducing the burden on employers due to the passage of Proposition A. This week, we took two major steps forward on two fronts as the House passed our legislation to the Senate and the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in our legal challenge. Click HERE for our article that contains more details.
Utility Package (AIM supports)
Associated Industries of Missouri (AIM) supports SB 4 (Cierpiot), which includes provisions that will provide flexibility to utility companies while providing protections for ratepayers. This bill includes the future test year, which allows utility companies to schedule rates 12 months in advance with approval from the Public Service Commission and it includes provisions that allow gas corporations more flexibility to provide discounts for certain companies - providing such a benefit actually benefits all gas customers by lowering per-unit costs.
SB 4 also includes language that requires the loss of any energy source must be replaced with an equal amount of reliable energy. For example, if a utility company announces the closure of a coal plant, then that utility company must have a plan to replace the energy lost from that coal plant with an equal amount of reliable energy. We must ensure the grid is safe, reliable, and able to serve Missourians and AIM was happy to lead in getting this language across the finish line.
Finally, AIM is happy to support a provision within the sections on construction work in progress (CWIP) that requires all rate increases be returned to ratepayers with interest if a plant that was built while utilizing CWIP never comes online or if costs are significantly underestimated. AIM testified in support of SB 4 in the House Utilities committee on Monday and the bill was passed by the Legislature yesterday. We hope to see this bill signed by the Governor in the coming weeks.
Providing Safer Railroads (AIM supports)
SB 254 (Bean) clarifies drivers must stop at a railroad crossing for any on-track equipment, in addition to trains. This bill clarifies language to ensure the safety of drivers and all of those working on the railroads. AIM testified in support of SB 254 in the Senate Transportation committee on Monday.
Conforming to Federal Law on Class Actions (AIM supports)
SB 47 (Trent) aligns Missouri Supreme Court Rule 52.08 with the federal rule on class action certification, providing transparency and clarity in class actions rules. While this bill seems simple, it pushes Missouri closer to having common sense tort laws and helps Missouri become a friendly state for businesses. AIM testified in support of SB 47 in the House Emerging Issues Committee and we will continue to fight for common sense tort reform legislation.
Tax Credits for Childcare (AIM supports)
SB 455 (Hough) provides a tax credit to qualified taxpayers for childcare, an important piece of legislation that will provide relief to thousands of Missouri families. Those who have children are often burdened by high childcare costs. Providing relief to these families will allow many to rejoin the workforce and provide for their families. AIM testified in support of SB 455 in the Senate Emerging Issues committee and we will continue to support working families in Missouri and help them return to gainful employment.
Common Sense Unemployment Provisions (AIM supports)
HB 1281 (Sassman) requires that those who are receiving unemployment and fail to appear before a job interview or skills test, will be disqualified from their unemployment benefits. HB 1281 also sets up a method for the Department of Labor to track unemployment benefits in Missouri for the purpose of ensuring that the information is accurate and will help cut down on fraud. AIM was happy to support this bill in the House Government Efficiency committee and will continue to fight to protect Missouri’s Unemployment Trust Fund fund from fraud and abuse.
Tax Credits for Rail Infrastructure (AIM supports)
SB 462 (Kurtis Gregory) provides a tax credit for qualified new rail infrastructure for qualified rail roads corporations (Class II and III rail corporations.) The American supply chain would not be able to function without rail. The railroad infrastructure is aging in Missouri and needs to be replaced. This bill will help provide new infrastructure in Missouri and will ensure that rail continues to operate smoothly and safely. AIM supported this bill in the Senate Economic and Workforce Development Committee, and we will continue to fight to protect the supply chain in Missouri.
Elimination of the Corporate Income Tax (AIM supports)
SB 370 (Moon) phases out the corporate income tax by 0.8% each year until 2030 when the tax would be eliminated. The corporate income tax is a burdensome fee on businesses that acts as a double tax, much like the capital gains tax. Eliminating this tax will provide relief to businesses and attract new industries to Missouri and AIM was happy to support the bill in the Senate Economic and Workforce Development committee.
We intend to provide these legislative updates to you on a weekly basis on Fridays as we track the progress of these and other bills affecting Missouri businesses, but there will be no update next Friday because of the Legislative Spring Break.