CEOs focusing most of their attention on digital tools aimed at boosting customer or client services may need to improve tools for their co-workers.
IT systems can often have a big impact on attracting and retaining skilled workers, according to a new study by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services.
The results are based on a survey of nearly 250 business executives, managers and consultants at U.S. companies in a range of industries, roughly half with more than 10,000 employees. The study was commissioned by global IT firm Insight Enterprises Inc.
Fifty-five percent of respondents said their company’s workplace tech factors into decisions by applicants to accept job offers
Another 51% said outdated and inadequate technology impacts their ability to retain skilled workers.
Much like the consumer market, tech-savvy workers are increasingly becoming “accustomed to highly personalized user experiences,” David Mayer, an Insight Enterprises vice president and general manager, said in a statement.