The legislative session came to a legal end last Friday, and it came to an official end at the Associated Industries of Missouri office Thursday morning (5/21).
After hours of research over several days, AIM president Ray McCarty went over the actions of the House and Senate with a fine-toothed comb to determine the fate of AIM-priority legislation during the 2015 legislative session.
The result was a legislative session wrap-up webinar hosted by AIM on Thursday morning. The slides that include summaries of the bills Ray discussed are being sent to particpants. If you didn’t make it to the webinar, email Dick Aldrich at and he will be more than happy to email a link to the Powerpoint presentation to you.
AIM has also prepared a a session wrap up document that includes summaries of important legislation as well as a look back at this unusual session. HERE IS A LINK TO OUR END OF SESSION REPORT.