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Manufacturers respond to Speaker Ryan’s tax pitch

Associated Industries of Missouri is Missouri’s sole designated partner of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). 


The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) hosted House Speaker Paul Ryan at the 2017 Manufacturing Summit today, where he delivered a major address on tax reform, a top priority for manufacturers. Below are responses to the Speaker’s speech:

“Today, Paul Ryan gave manufacturers and America exactly what we need: confidence. Confidence in our ability as a country to rise above pettiness and triviality to take action on bold and comprehensive tax reform that will incentivize investment and new jobs and lift the quality of life for millions of Americans. Confidence that America can grow manufacturing and, thereby, empower every individual to rise as high as their work ethic and dreams will take them. And confidence that our best day—as a people committed to free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity—is still tomorrow. Manufacturers live every day the aspirations expressed by Speaker Ryan at the NAM’s Manufacturing Summit, and we’re mobilized to bring those ideals to every American. We were pleased to let him know that manufacturers are all in for success.” – NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons
“Most manufacturers in the United States are small and medium-sized enterprises, and we are energized by the Speaker’s promise of a plan that lowers rates for small businesses alongside larger ones. It’s no secret that manufacturers’ optimism has soared in recent months. That’s in no small part due to the possibility of getting real tax reform across the finish line. So you can count on us to continue raising our voices for reform and many of the components that Speaker Ryan outlined today.”  Neenah Enterprises President and CEO and NAM Executive Committee Member Tom Riordan
“Tax reform is an essential ingredient to making the United States an even better place to do business, for companies to increase manufacturing investment and create jobs. If we get tax reform done, the United States will be an even greater magnet for business investment, which translates into jobs and opportunity. As a major U.S. manufacturer, Allergan applauds the principles Speaker Ryan shared with us, and we are ready to work with the administration and Congress to get this done.” Allergan Chief Operating Officer Rob Stewart


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